Battle pinball, Fight the law and Hives & Hornets

I had two ideas for what to work on for the two player pinball. I waffled on which one to present and could not completely conceptualize either one. When I set out all I knew is I did not just want a game where the objective was to drain balls in the opponents drain. Both concepts ended up being cooperative and asymmetrical.

The first concept was called Hives & Hornets, and was inspired by bugs and the game Killer Queen. The origin for this was when I told professor Ian about this assignment and he mentioned the idea of attempting to adapt Killer Queen to a pin ball game. I drew a few messy sketches for this concept and wrote down some mechanic ideas for the game. The goal would be to pass balls between the players that would lock in to other parts of the field and release another ball to pass back. I felt like the idea was too impractical as it would require parts to recognize specific balls.

The second idea I came up with was called Fight the law. The concept of fight the law was inspired by the song I fought the law, and a joke by John Mulaney about old time bank robbers. In fight the law the players are bank robbers, one is in front of the bank holding off the cops while the other attempts to open the vault and collect money. Fight the law is a cooperative pinball game where the fields are not connected, though actions on one side effect the other. The game runs on a timer, the player in front of the bank adds time to the timer and prevents obstacles from reaching the other player, while the player inside the bank builds the players combined score and provides bonuses (like multi balls) to the first player.

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