My Game is called “Bar Games”. It is based on games that you could expect to see in a Bar such as Pool, Darts, and Cards. The idea was that while it could be anywhere it could show a bit of where it came from. The interesting thing is that while it has some representation of the past it also incorporates futuristic features such as bumpers and spinners.
I chose to theme this game since while the mechanics are simple, it can interact with the decorations in a more advanced way. For example I will place a target at the bullseye of a dartboard, and 6 targets at the locations of the holes on a pool table.

The original design was based on the picture above. With the orange dots being where the holes are, the stars being spinners, and the black dots being where pins will go. Based on the feedback I’m going to keep mostly this design with only slight modifications. The modifications that I am going to make are having more pins and turning some of the holes into pockets with pins. The Holes upon testing were harder to make well, so by replacing some holes with pockets it should be much faster to construct.
The scoring of the game is centered around the range of 250-2500 points. In one location to the top left, I have a times two hole. This means that in a game of 5 balls, if you land one in the times 2 hole, the point ranges will now be between 500 and 5000.
The biggest issue I may have with this game is the game flow. I am worried that the ball will just go around the top curve every single time, which will lead to a very repetitive game, but due to not having flippers I feel like it will be hard to modify that too much. So I will try to test this game to minimize that upon building. Another Issue I may have is with using the pins, as they are short, it will be hard to keep them in the board, so to fix that I plan on using hot glue to hold any pins that will be on any constant pressure. For the spinners I plan to use T-Pins and straws with cardboard flaps glued on. Based on minor testing it seems to work, but I am worried about friction causing issues with the spinning.