For my bagatelle, I wanted it to be themed based on the classic horror film franchise, Hellraiser. More specifically, the franchise’s mascot/ icon commonly known as Pinhead. I always thought his design was incredible, as the pins in his head make him incredibly uncomfortable to look at it. My thinking was that he would make for an excellent way to implement the pins on the play field organically into the theming of the bagatelle, while also using an aesthetic not very common in bagatelles.

My initial design (pictured below) was tried to include both Pinhead and the puzzle box; however after feedback from classmates, I decided to use only pinhead’s head to better focus the bagatelle and also reduce empty space. I also toyed with the idea of including one character on either side of pinhead, but feedback made it clear that with the size of the PinBox 3000 that would be very difficult. The most valuable piece of feedback I got on this design was the placement of the pins. I was told to more consider the flow of the ball and to focus less on matching the aesthetic of Pinhead. This is something I tried to keep in mind when it came time to redesign the play field.
When I redesigned the play field, I tried to focus more so on the three destinations (the eyes and mouth). The location of the pins is meant to accentuate the path to these destinations. I look forward to the playtest session to see how the class will feel about the pin field.