Today, in class, we playtested the final products of our bagatelles. For my bagatelle, I was going for a shooting range theme and chose to show it throughout my design. I used cutouts of shooting targets to line the background and created targets to mark the playfield itself. To align with the theme, I designed the background color to have similar colors to a sheet of shooting range paper.
Building the bagatelle itself was a bit of a painstaking process. Since it’s been so long since the last time I’ve worked with arts and crafts, the playfield took longer to make than I had hoped. For example, I struggled with applying the paper backing and the divider walls. However, after some hard work, I managed to implement them the way I had hoped. After adding the background materials, I worked on creating the targets and aligning the pins perfectly around them. This process took a while and required lots of testing, but was worth it in the end.

While playtesting my board, I received a lot of feedback in regards to the theme, playability, and implementation. One of the top comments from my peers was how well my board was themed. They loved the target backboard, as well as the targets, thinking they added a nice touch and tied together the idea I was going for. In terms of playability and implementation, many of my peers mentioned that the game was fun to play. The separate sections divided the game up and made it feel as though you were actually trying to hit the targets. They also mentioned that the implementation of my push pins and bell worked well together, even though the bell wasn’t very loud when the marble knocked into it.

Despite all of the nice comments about my bagatelle, there were a few things that I’d do differently if I had the time. Some of the comments from my peers mentioned the scoring and how some of the targets were harder to hit than the others. If I were to do this again, I’d fix the scoring so it accurately represented the difficulty of reaching each ball catch. Other than scoring, I’d fix the bells and orient them so that they make a louder noise when the marble reaches the center of each target. Regardless of these fixes, I believe my bagatelle came out much better than I could have hoped!
Shooting Range Target Reference: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/sBMAAOSwUFtZZ7rR/s-l400.jpg
Shooting Range Enemy Target Reference: https://reviewfinch.com/i/azn/81vztBMXfGL.SX500.jpg
Bullet Hole Reference: https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/bullet-holes-png-11.png