To start off I thought that the play test was going to be for feedback and that we were going to modify our designs further. I spent a lot of time getting the wheel to turn properly. Two of the biggest breakthroughs in getting the wheel to work was removing the bottom of the wheel and my friend advising me to use a washer between the wheel and the board.

I placed some pins at the top to get some variance, then shot the ball a few times and placed pins bellow the wheel based off of where the ball went. I planned to cut holes in the board, but because I thought we would iterate on the design I placed pins to hold the ball where the holes would go. That way if I needed to fix the hole placement I wouldn’t need to make a new board.
During the play test people liked the wheel. A common criticism was that the bottom of the board was kinda empty. For the next I assignment I think I will include more interactive elements on the board.