Trains are cool and good.

The concept of my bagatelle is to incorporate a more unifying theme to justify some of the more common design tropes of a traditional bagatelle. When we learned about bagatelle machines, I couldn’t help but notice most of them were lacking in theme or had no theme at all. So, the challenge becomes finding a good theme for a board and game that’s so oriented around straight lines, holes, and not much else. The best theme I’m able to think of to fit the specifications is a train theme. With the tracks acting as justification for the pin placement and their destination being the holes.
Nothing about my concept is terribly revolutionary, but I hope to make something aesthetically and conceptually cohesive rather than a vague “game”.
The feedback I got in class was that while my concept seemed sound, it was lacking in actual trains, and I couldn’t agree more I’ll be adding train decals to the final machine. The other suggestion I received was to add a whistle, while it’s a neat idea I doubt I could implement it.