Have you ever looked at a Canadian goose on your way to class and told it “Fight me?” No one? Just me? Alright then moving swiftly on, my advanced Pinbox design is titled Goose 2: Canada and is just an expansion of the goose game head to head design I designed.

The main draw of this design is the extensive use of the soundboard I had purchased beforehand, but this time with speakers installed. I’ll be taking the goose honk samples I got off the internet and mixing them into a variety of sound effects for the soundboard to play.
As for the triggers for the sound I’ll be hiding momentary pressure switches under the playfield such that the switch is on the surface. The idea is that the marble will roll over the switch and trigger the sound, but if the marble is too light then I will have to get creative.
Functionally, the last feature will be making bumpers with cut cardboard holding a rubber band around them, to give a little extra kick to the bounces. There’ll need to be more testing, but I’m confident in the relative simplicity of the idea.
I also intend to add some color to the design, with printouts similar to how I made the bagatelle earlier in the semester.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for now. Here’s the presentation given in class.