For my first visual pinball project, I wanted something simple that I would be able to implement sound effects into effectively. I decided to theme my machine off of the Dreamcast Skating game, Jet Set Radio. I think the game has a very unique sonic Identity that would be very fitting for a pinball machine. The game also has a very unique visual style, with an early 90s Japanese street wear influence and a graffiti-inspired art style. The game has a lot of vibrant colors that I thought would look nice. This is what led me to choose JSR for my theming.
For my actual playfield, I wanted to heavily include ramps. For me, I find ramps to be one of my favorite playfield-elements in pinball machines. I think they’re very satisfying so I tried to emphasize a fun ramp loop in my machine. I also tried to implement bumpers to fill out the machine.
Green circles=Rollover targets
Squares=Dropdown targets
Now that we’re using visual pinball, I want to make my machine have a focus on scoring. In a cardboard machine, having to count the score yourself is very tedious so I tried to use other sorts of goals/objectives in my previous machines. Now that scoring can be automated, I want my machine to have a fun and effective scoring system, like many classic pinball machines have. My stretch goal for this machine is to implement some sort of multi-ball for my machine, but this will depend on how much time I have.