I received good feedback for my machine for the in-class playtest.

People liked the theme of the machine and thought it was cool, but most said it was too dark and this made the features hard to see. I will definitely address this in my advanced design and make the whole thing brighter. I also had one comment mentioning that the ball can get stuck in the pin between the flippers, so I may decide to remove this entirely from my machine and block the gutters along the side so the ball doesn’t drain quite so easily.
I also got advice on adding a kicker for the multiball feature (from hitting the button on the top floor) instead of spawning it at the plunger so that the ball can be automatically in play and the player doesn’t have to pull the plunger. On a similar note, people didn’t like the ball falling back into the plunger on occasion, so I’ll take a closer look into how I can reduce that occurrence and make for a more interesting lower playfield. Overall, I got a lot of helpful feedback for this design that I can use to make my machine better in the advanced iteration.