I knew from the start of this class that I wanted to a pinball machine based on a musician at some point. As the class went on I realized it made the most sense to wait until we were doing digital pinball machines to follow through on this. As I thought more and more about it, I realized Jack Stauber would be a great theme for a machine. I think his unique, low-fi pop style would be a great fit for a pinball machine. In addition, he has a unique visual style that gives tons of visual inspiration for the machine. He has several distinct visual styles he uses in his various music videos and I think these could be used in different areas on the playfield.

Mechanically, I want to take the ramp-centric design of Basic Visual Pinball table, and add a few more ramps, while polishing the game play. I want to improve the scoreboard system, so it actually keeps track of high-scores. I want to have actual game starting and ending logic, so the player isn’t using the honor system to be limited to 3 balls. I want to introduce goals that reward the player with multi-ball. I think a smaller goal like that (aside from just getting a high-score) would be more rewarding and engaging for the player.
My main goal with this machine would be to have the song change depending on the game. I want different events (Ball draining, multi-ball activated, score barriers) to trigger changing to a different song. Jack Stauber has an excellent discography and I think this would be a fun way to implement that in the machine.