So after having people play test my level, I realized I had several spots on my machine where the ball could get stuck. This is was the biggest problem with my machine. Another problem with the machine was that the kicker’s on the out-lanes were always active. This was originally done in response to how frustrating it was when the ball went there so often. However, this created a new problem. It became way too easy to keep the ball in play. I got a suggestion from Jimmy, that I should keep the kickers but make them relatively easy to activate. This is definitely the solution, as from there I could adjust the numbers on activation until I got a difficulty I was happy with.

Another problem I noticed with this machine was the bumpers. The placement and power of them could lead to the ball being in the bumper zone for an awkwardly long time. If I were to update this machine, that is definitely something I would change
After the play test, I think the board is somewhat weak visually. my original intention was for the ramps to look as though they’d been filled with graffiti a few times over, but the texture did not convey this well. A lot of people asked me what the ramps were supposed to be at first. They understood after explanation, but them asking in the first place illustrates the lack of clarity. I also didn’t have time to theme some ancillary aspects of the machine like the wood exterior, the plunger, the flippers, or the kickers. I also would have liked to add more lights to my machine. I think for my next machine, I will use this as a basis to be able to further polish it.
PLayfield art from Ross Burt (
Graffiti texture Ramp Textures: (