Devil May Cry Pinball Special Edition

For my second iteration of my visual pinball, I want to continue working on my Devil May Cry design. The original version focused primarily on just hooking up code to all of the objects which allowed them to play numerous sounds. Now I want to focus more on complex scoring and possibly some layout changes.

Numerical scoring is a must this time around but I want to make it interesting. I was thinking of incorporating DMC’s style ranking system where the player gets more red orbs for the higher the ranking is during combat. I’d translate that simply into a score multiplier that activates based on how well the player is doing. I haven’t decided how I want to implement that yet however.

I want to tone down the difficulty a bit somewhat as well since players seemed to have a difficult time defeating Vergil even once. So I’m deciding to make it 5 balls instead of 3, and lowering the amount of hp Vergil has to see how much that helps.

Stretch goal would be to incorporate the devil trigger mechanic somehow where the player fills up a gauge and then transforms Dante into his demon form where he’s more powerful. I’m not sure how to tie that into gameplay mechanics yet though. Maybe he does more damage to Vergil during that state? I’m not sure yet, but that’s not a priority yet.

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