Made in August 1993
Williams Electronics Games
Of the large selection of machines at the Strong Museum of Play, this Indiana Jones themed pinball game caught my eye the most. I have been a long fan of the franchise and was intrigued to see what types of references and nods to the series would be introduced into a pinball game and how they would be incorporated. The gun styled plunger was a nice touch that was quite fitting to the theme (although it would have been nice if there was some sort of incorporation of the iconic whip into the playfield).

The game felt smooth and in great condition for being 26 years old. The flippers were nice and smooth and the button controls for the flippers required a consistent nicely worn tap to achieve the control one may want with a ball. The gameplay is straightforward, giving clear and concise goals for where you should be putting the ball to maximize points and it was quite easy to consistently get the multiball power up after the third run on the machine.

Overall, I found this pinball game very fun and not overly flashy. The game wasn’t overly frustrating and I felt in control the whole time and was properly punished for making mistakes with my play. I would love to play more on this machine and become more consistent with strategies and ball movements.

More information on Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure can be found at https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=1267